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Leader Registration Form
Please complete this form to lead on our upcoming camps at Camp Kedron.
April Junior High (April 12-17)
Life Exchange (April 22-27)
Life Exchange PLUS (June 13-15)
July Primary (July 6-11)
July High school (July 13-18)
September Primary (Sept 28-Oct 3)
October High school (Oct 5-10)
Date of Birth
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Street Address
Post Code
Email Address
Phone Number
Church that you attend regularly
Role at Camp
Cabin Leader
Camp Parent
Director/Program Director
Emergency Contact Information
Emergency contact person (e.g. parent, friend)
Phone number of emergency contact
Relationship of emergency contact to you
Medical and Dietary
Dietary Requirements
Medical Information (that's relevant for us to know)
Any Medication?
Note: Medication can not be kept in the cabin – it will be stored in the First-Aid room.
Personal Faith
How would you describe your relationship with God?
Are there any reasons why you would be unsuitable to be a leader at camp at this time?
Please give the details of 1 referee who know you well and who we can contact if needed (e.g. pastor, youth pastor).
Referee Name
Referee Contact Number
Referee Organisation and Postion
Child Protection and Safety
Working with Children Check number
This check is required for all leaders 18 years and over. (If you have given us your WCC number at a previous camp, you don’t need to give it again. Just write “already given”.)
Have there been any incidents that you as an adult were involved in, either directly or indirectly, which were of a child protection nature? Or have you ever, to your knowledge been accused of sexual misconduct or abuse?
Leader's Declaration
Please read and confirm the following
I am committed to this ministry as an expression of my faith in Jesus and my desire to live as his disciple.
I agree to abide by the Camp Kedron Code of Conduct.
I will work under the leadership of the Director and will support him/her.
I commit myself to operate by Biblical principles – serving in love, humility and unity.
I currently do not participate in any premarital or extramarital sexual relationships, serious dishonesty or other moral lapses.
I declare that I have not in the past participated nor do I currently participate in any physical or sexual abuse of a child.
I confirm that the information provided in this application is true and correct.
If you are unable to tick all of these, please let us know or speak with your Camp Director.